How to Create a Facebook Fundraiser to Support the Children's Attention Home!

October 28, 2017

It takes a village to provide all of the resources we need to give our children the best care possible. From providing them with education resources to keeping the lights on, it takes money to keep our mission moving!

That's where you come in! With Facebook's new fundraising tool, it's easier than ever to share your story and ask for your friends and family to support your favorite charity.

How to host your Facebook fundraiser:

    1. Go to the Children's Attention Home Facebook page.

    1. Select "Fundraisers" on the left side menu.

    1. Select "+ Raise Money" button on the top right corner of the next screen.

    1. Complete all of the next steps and fields.

    1. Click create, and invite your friends and family to show their support!

Helpful Tips:

    1. Tell your story. Why do you support the Home? Chances are your reasons will encourage and inspire others to invest in the Home if they see YOU believe in the work we do!

    1. Share, share and share some more! The more people you ask, the better your chances of reaching your goal!

    1. Thank those who gave! It's incredible to see the generosity of people giving freely of their hard earned cash to invest the lives of others. Take the time to send a simple thank you for their gift. It just might inspire them to give again one day!