York County Comes Together to Prevent Child Abuse
May 15, 2019
The month of April was National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Words cannot express how awesome it is to see York County come together for the betterment of the lives of our community's children.
Listed are a few of the happenings the Home was apart of for Child Abuse Prevention Month:
Listed are a few of the happenings the Home was apart of for Child Abuse Prevention Month:
- We held a mandated reporting training event entitled, “See Something? Say Something!” at Affinity Health Center. The presenting speaker was from the University of South Carolina's Children's Law Center.
- York Electric Cooperative held its Annual Teddy Bear Trot and raised $5,000 for the Children's Attention Home.
- Chick-fil-A Cherry Road hosted a Spirit Day to raise funds and awareness for the Home.
- Presented resources that the Home has available at the Catawba Nation Family Resource Fair.
- Spoke to the congregation at Gold Hill Baptist Church about childhood abuse, neglect, and homelessness for Blue Sunday.
- Hosted a Lunch & Learn to further educate the community about child abuse across York County and the rest of South Carolina; further detailing how the Children's Attention Home.
- Led several tours, presentations, and other engagements for several local community members businesses including: Daimler Trucking, Comporium, Safe Passage, York County Department of Social Services, Gold Hill Middle School, and many more.[gallery ids="6654,6655,6656,6657,6658,6659,6660,6661,6662,6663"]