May is recognized as Foster Care Awareness Month, aiming to raise awareness about over 319,000 children in the foster care system nationwide and encourage people to help. Youth in foster care face many challenges, but teens face unique struggles as they inch closer to life on their own.
In South Carolina, there are approximately 3,400 children in foster care, with one-third of them being teenagers between 13-18 years old. However, with only 2,000 foster homes and many families opting to care for younger children, the availability of placement for teens is far below what is needed. Additionally, many foster families lack the skills and training to meet the unique needs of teens who face significant mental health challenges.
To address this gap in care, the Children’s Attention Home focuses on services for teenagers ages 13 to 20, from teens seeking to transition to independence and those with complex trauma and exceptional needs. Through trauma-informed care and individualized attention, the Home can provide services to support teens as they face their trauma, learn to cope with their trauma, and the effects of the trauma they have been through.
The services the Children’s Attention Home provides to the youth in foster care are only possible through the generosity of people like you!
You can support the Home with monetary donations . You can also engage in opportunities to meet the specific needs of our teens and assist the Home with fundraising (click here to learn more). If you are interested in learning more about fostering or supporting foster families, contact your local foster parent association (Defend the Fatherless for York County) or social services office (SCDSS)). It is with your support that the Home provides nurturing care and life-changing services to youth and families in need.
Sources: Children's Bureau - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services & Department of Social Services of South Carolina