The spring break at Children's Attention Home was like a "breath of fresh air" for the teens, offering them opportunities to enjoy experiences they never had before.
Residents began their break with Easter festivities including an egg hunt, egg painting & dyeing, and opening personalized Easter baskets. During the week, the youth enjoyed various outdoor activities like hiking, picnicking, barbecuing, and a water balloon fight.
Some of the teens' favorite moments included a trip to Carowinds and a day at the beach. One of the residents at the Home shared, "The beach day was the best! I enjoyed walking around the fair and meeting up with everyone later."
During the week, the youth were also given a chance to unwind and recharge. They participated in calming and therapeutic activities such as painting and swimming in the lake. One of them shared, "I enjoyed swimming in the lake; it was so peaceful."
After spring break, the teens returned to school feeling refreshed and with memories that will last a lifetime. "Spring break was an amazing opportunity to do something I haven’t done and have fun" said one of the residents at the Home. It was definitely a week to remember for those young adults!