Before coming to the Home, Charisma struggled with school and her health. Charisma needed help managing her diabetes and staying on track in virtual school, and her foster home was not equipped to help.
Charisma first came to the Home’s Day Services program. Here, the team was able to support her in school during the day and help her manage her blood sugar. After two months, a place opened up in the Home’s enhanced care program, and Charisma came to live at the Home full-time.
Charisma went from two hospital visits a week to none, was connected with the right medical care, and began a GED program. She is working on learning to live independently and is preparing to enter the workforce in the next couple of months. When asked about her time at the Home, Charisma shared “The Children's Attention Home supports, achieves, and empowers the youth to sustain their goals.”