2017 Summer Newsletter

June 9, 2017

Check out what's new at the Home with our summer newsletter!

[gdlr_button href="http://attentionhome.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017-6-Newsletter-FINAL.pdf" target="_self" size="large" background="#f47930" color="#ffffff"]Download 2017 Summer Newsletter[/gdlr_button]

Upcoming Events

Christmas in July: July 1-31

Celebrate the summer by supporting our Christmas in July campaign! By coordinating a collection drive, you can help us meet the day-to-day needs of our children and allow our staff to focus on providing summer fun for the 42 children entrusted to us who have been abused or abandoned.

[gdlr_button href="http://attentionhome.org/christmasinjuly/" target="_self" size="medium" background="#c40f39" color="#ffffff"]Learn More[/gdlr_button]

3rd Annual Deep in the Heart Celebration: Sat, Oct 21

Slide on your boots n’ best western dress for a night of good food & good times for a great cause! Deep in the Heart features music & dancing, a down home BBQ dinner & drinks, a riveting raffle & silent auction and touching stories from representatives of the Children’s Attention Home.

Buy a ticket and join in the fun! Better yet, bring a friend you’ve been meaning to introduce to us. Tickets are $45, but prices go up to $55 after October 7. Don’t dilly-dally - be sure to get your tickets before they’re gone!

[gdlr_button href="http://attentionhome.org/deepintheheart/" target="_self" size="medium" background="#008080" color="#ffffff" with_border="yes" border_color="#999999"]Learn More[/gdlr_button]